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What is Network Marketing or Direct selling?

Hello, friends welcome to all of you. I am going to Explain What is Network Marketing or Direct selling? To understand Network Marketing or Direct selling, you Must Read This Full Article, so Before Join Network Marketing or Direct selling First Understand This Industry How works.

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What is Network Marketing or Direct selling?

Friends, all of you must have never heard or read this term Network Marketing or Direct Selling. Have you ever heard from the people in your home?

Sometimes you must have heard from your neighbor or sometimes from your relatives or somewhere. But do you know what network marketing or direct selling is?

Network Marketing or Direct selling History

Network Marketing or Direct Selling This is a type of business. There is a business for which you do not need to start a big company or invest millions of rupees. Network Marketing or Direct Selling This business has started in the US.

This business started in the US in 1930 and gradually spread and grew throughout the world. In our India too, it has started from the last 20 – 22 years.

Network marketing or direct selling is a way of doing business in which any service or product is delivered directly to the customers who are interested in that service or product.

Now you must be wondering what is different in this. In the same way, if the business happens, let me tell you that in Network Marketing or Direct Selling, no Advertising Company / Third Party is taken to reach the product and service to the customers.

Here an opportunity is given to those who want to earn money by doing some work in their spare time. On December 5, 2017, FICCI in India presented a report titled Ease of Doing Business in India, in which it was told that all over the world.

Network Marketing Industry Turnover

Network Marketing or Direct Selling Industry Turnover of US $ 18356 crore in 2016, in which 10.7 crore people have been employed part-time/full time all over the world.

Let me tell you that there are 10 such countries in the world where Direct Selling. Business is the highest in which: – America, Korea, Germany, China, France, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, the UK, Malaysia come to this country.

78% of the total network marketing or direct selling business of the world is done in these countries and 97% of the total business is from 23 such countries and friends, direct selling is happening in India.

Friends, I have told you here what is Direct Selling, then you must have understood that Network Marketing or Direct Selling

How Network Marketing or Direct Selling works?

Friends, we have just seen above what Network Marketing or Direct Selling is and you must have understood what Network Marketing or Direct Selling is, so now we know how Network Marketing or Direct Selling works.

if you read carefully and watch it carefully, then you will understand it easily, but before fully understanding Network Marketing or Direct Selling,

you have to understand Traditional Marketing. If you understand this, then Network Marketing or Direct Selling will be immediately understood.

Traditional Marketing Example

We take an example of a ₹10 water bottle. when we bottle water. We have to buy, then we go to the Retailer to buy it and that Retailer is anywhere on our side.

But where does that Retailer take that water bottle? From Wholesaler and where does that Wholesaler bring that water bottle. From the Distributor and where does that Distributor bring the water bottle. From the Manufacturer this water bottle reaches customers through such step by step.

 ( Traditional Market Image )

In Direct Selling, I have also tried to tell you how it works, now you tell me how that customer knows how much money the water bottle gets, why the company whose water Bottle is that company, after taking a celebrity, made 30 seconds ads for that water bottle and got it advertised in television and newspaper.

Now after seeing that advertisement, customers came to know that this company’s water bottle has come in the market and Customer Ous bottle has been sold 10 buys but what do you think the manufacturer would have cost ₹ 10 to make that bottle,

so let me tell you that it cost only 4 rupees to manufacture the water bottle, then the 4 rupees water bottle Customer Why is it sold for 10 rupees? Retailers got this water bottle for 9 rupees, Wholesaler got this bottle for 8 rupees,

Distributor got this water bottle for 7 rupees, but for advertising this water bottle, celebrity gave the company Per bottle 3 rupees.

Now I am going to tell you the most important thing, so watch it carefully and understand it carefully. If 1 crore people buy a water bottle in a day, then 1 crore × 10 = 10 crore water bottle is scattered in 1 day but it cost only 4 rupees to make that bottle.

Actual Pani Bottle price 4 × 1 Crore = 4 Crore
Celebrity / Middle men 6 × 1 Crore = 6 Crore

Now think about it, these people are made rich by giving Rs. 6 crores to Celibacy and Middle Men in a day, so think 180 crores in the whole month and 9600 crores in the whole year are taken from customers but are this money for Traditional Market Customers What can you give a chance to earn?

Because of this, only a few people can earn money in traditional business

   ( Direct Selling Image )

Network Marketing or Direct Selling Industry work

now what the Network Marketing or Direct Selling Industry says here is that we will make this water bottle only for 4 rupees and such people get a chance People who will give this water bottle in their free time to Promote / Sales to the customers for only 10 rupees,

we will give you the same money which is to be given to the 6 crore celebrities or Meddle, men, then if people give crores of rupees this person .

You can also become rich in this business strategy, Direct Selling works, so friends, you must have understood how Direct Selling works.

Friends must have read all this information properly. This is how I believe. What is Direct Selling? As much as I have understood and known this, in this article I have told you what is Network Marketing or Direct Selling which was the question in your mind.

All of you have got the answer and along with that, you have also come to know how Direct Selling works, so friends, if you have started or are planning to start Direct Selling.

Let me tell you that this is the right opportunity to work with Direct Selling in India and change your future. I have told you whatDirect Selling is and how it works, So Friend’s stay tuned with us for more information related to Network Marketing or Direct Selling.

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